Every month, we update the Ultimate Chicken Horse fan art gallery on our website with the latest submissions we gathered on social platforms.

Here are a few guidelines for what we are looking for.

Content which is eligible for the gallery: 

  • Traditional or digital art which was done freehand 
  • Creative edits using in-game assets (ex. new outfit ideas, comics, etc.) 
  • Concepts for new characters, blocks or levels 

Content which is not eligible for the gallery:

  • Photoshopped images which clearly use borrowed images from unknown sources (ex. a photo of a horse) 
  • Anything that could be considered an "inside joke" or meme that needs additional context outside of the image itself 
  • Obviously low effort images 
  • Any art which is not your own 

We also ask that you respect other artists by not posting traces or edits of their own work online without their consent. 

If you need a further explanation of tracing versus using a reference, please see this: https://www.deviantart.com/diikae/art/Tracing-vs-Referencing-207873512