If you're interested in playing Ultimate Chicken Horse, but you don't know people who would like to play with you locally or online, you have a few options.

If you want to play Ultimate Chicken Horse, but you don't know anyone who you can play with online or locally, there are a few options! 

Play with randoms online: With an Internet connection, and an online subscription if you're on a console, you can easily play with random other players online by looking at the list of public game lobbies. 

Find players on Discord: If you prefer to play with people you can talk to, you can join the Ultimate Chicken Horse Discord where you can find both casual and competitive players in the #looking-for-players channel.  

Other game modes: There are also alternate game modes that you can play alone. Free Play allows you to build your own levels with the level editor. You can then play your levels, or other people's levels, in the Challenge mode, where you're trying to get to the end as quickly as possible.