
You've made a custom level and published it online. You realise you want to remove it from the public's view for whatever reason. 


You can choose to either unpublish your level (so it remains in your "My Levels" database, but it is no longer visible to the public) or permanently delete your level.

Unpublish a level

To unpublish your level, first find the level in the LevelNET computer by going to the dropdown menu and selecting "My Levels".

Then click on "Published:" and "UNPUBLISH" to remove it from public view. Your level will remain in your "My Levels" database - it just won't be visible to anyone else unless they know the level's sharing code. 

Delete a level

To permanently delete your level from the LevelNET database and your computer, first find the level in the LevelNET computer by going to the dropdown menu and selecting "My Levels". 

Then click the bomb icon to delete your level. Make sure you're certain of this because you cannot recover that level once it's been deleted.