We don't think we will ever add an AI to Ultimate Chicken Horse.

The reason we've never made one is that it's far from trivial. 

A lot of games with AI mostly have to concern themselves with pathfinding and targeting a player, but with Ultimate Chicken Horse, the main source of complexity is in the level-building. The gameplay demands a certain amount of human creativity that's very difficult to get an AI to do.

Even without trying to emulate that human cleverness, which we consider to be at the core of the experience, there's more basic issues that arise from the variety of blocks in the game. Because each has its own behaviour, range, etc. the AI would have to be programmed with unique use cases for every single one of them, lest it started making levels impossible to run through or simply not fun. And because some blocks interact, we'd have to review the existing AI behaviour every time we add new blocks, in addition to adding those new blocks' to the AI vocabulary. 

It all seems like an unreasonable amount of work for something we're not convinced we could pull off well, if at all.