Every Friday, player-made levels are featured in the LevelNET browser in Ultimate Chicken Horse!

The best place to share your level with us is on the Ultimate Chicken Horse Discord in the #level-sharing channel. Someone on our team will take a look at it and determine if it might be good for featuring. Players from the community can also comment and give feedback on your level!

If you don't use Discord, you can also share your level on Twitter using #UCHCode or in the Reddit level sharing megathread.

There isn't a scale to objectively measure each level's potential to be featured, but instead there are many factors that are taken into consideration. Some are listed below:


  • A variety of creators: When choosing between two equally deserving levels, creators who haven't been featured in the past are prioritized. Also, we aim to not feature the same author twice in the same month (excluding when we have made a call for holiday-themed levels that month).
  • Recent creations: Newer levels are generally prioritized over older levels.


  • Difficulty: We avoid levels that are way too difficult for most players to enjoy. 
  • A variety of challenge types: We try to vary the type of challenge in featured levels! A level could focus on any of the following: precision, speed running, solo, co-op, skill, puzzle-solving, modifiers, etc. 


  • Building space: Featured Party levels need to have plenty of free space to place blocks during regular Party play with Default rules.
  • Running space: The levels also need to allow players to easily run around without being forced through choke points that can easily be made impossible to pass.
  • Speed run ability: While not an absolute rule, Party levels that can be completed in Challenge Mode are preferred. (This means that you can access the flag without adding any blocks.)
  • A variety of styles: We try to vary the design focus of levels (pixel art, moving parts, novelty, size and shape, etc.)

Every Friday, we choose player-made levels to add to the Featured tab in the LevelNET browser. 

At any time, we feature a maximum of 150 levels (10 pages). Therefore, every week some levels are taken out:

  • "Underperforming" levels (e.g. score of <10 when other levels featured at the same time have a score of >50)
  • The levels that have been featured the longest