Many people ask us what happened to the single player (Puzzle / Adventure) mode we talked about in the Kickstarter for the game back in 2015, and if might consider adding that feature in the future.

After the Kickstarter concluded and we started showing the game at events like PAX, the feedback we received was very clear: what was fun about the game was the multiplayer mode, and not the single player mode. Additionally, people really insisted that we should have online multiplayer, even though we didn't reach the Kickstarter stretch goal for it. We eventually decided to redirect our limited resources to making online play happen, and abandoned the single player mode.

We absolutely don't regret that decision! We have never touched the single player mode since, and the game has changed so much that all the work we once did on it would have to be redone. At the end of the day, we just don't think that it was good enough to justify wanting to go back to it now, and we prefer to work on other things.